Treasure Coast House

Live Local Act

Hometown Hero's Program codified!! 

The Live Local Act is a comprehensive, statewide workforce housing strategy. The act was designed to increase affordable housing opportunities for Florida’s workforce.

This Act, also known as Senate Bill 102, provides the largest investment for housing efforts in Florida state history and is an incredible option for those that meet the criteria. The program provides down payment and closing cost assistance to income-qualified homebuyers so they can purchase a primary residence within their local community. 

Program Details:


Contact me today to see if you qualify for Florida's new program!


BE AWARE: There is no cost to apply for Hometown Heroes Down Payment Assistance. Scammers often target homebuyers who are in need of assistance or trying to purchase a home. A common tactic scammers use is requiring you to pay an upfront fee before providing any services. They may also try to charge you to apply for the program. Avoid any company or individual that does this and report them to the Inspector General’s Office at the Florida Housing Finance Corporation 850-488-4197.

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